Verse of the Day

Monday, November 19, 2012

Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

EXCELLENT video explaining MCS -- HIGHLY recommend for everyone... NOW's the time to take action to prevent this from happening to you and/or anyone in your family. Chemicals are everywhere -- the toxicity is well known & scientifically proven -- yet they're still in use in everyday products. Then, in our desire to control our environment, pesitcides & more are used in our neighborhoods... county's do city-wide aerial applications (via heliocopter, truck & backpacks) for mosquito control... these don't just stay outdoors (and they DO STAY!), they get into our homes!! THIS VIDEO IS A MUST SEE!! 

Isaiah 40:31

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

History of Vaccinations

What the government isn't telling you...
Please watch this 2 1/2 hr presentation on the History of Vaccines.

Isaiah 40:31

Monday, September 10, 2012

Remembering our 1st date!

I was delighted when Mags released her Golf Bundle (his & hers). My hubby & I are soon to celebrate our 35th anniversary. Our 1st date was miniature golf... during our 25th anniversary year, we were able to go back to the location of our 1st date... it took 3 digi-layout pages to scrap the highlights :-)
font - CK Nouveau

Isaiah 40:31

Inspiration from Mags

Scrapping our adventures... one at a time :-)
Barn Bluff Hike
credits: Inspire Me kit byby MagsGraphics
fonts - CK Terzini
Isaiah 40:31

Monday, August 20, 2012

There's A Mouse In The House

(my FB post this morning)
recently my PC mouse (wired) started jumping all over the screen on bootup (cursor, not mouse :-) -- it's only on bootup, but was driving me crazy... what's going on?? possible virus? mouse failure imminent? hacker? -- so looked up problem online and found TONS... but mainly for laptops & wireless mice. one forum mentioned the led lens, virus, drivers, pad surface, etc. WELL, i put on my readers and was checking to see what mouse it was (system is HP)... WHEN i noticed something sticking out of the lens/ball... i pulled it and MORE came with it!!! MY MOUSE WAS COLLECTING "KEIKO" HAIRS!!!! hahahhahahahhahhahhehehhehehehhe... SO, i pulled them all out & cleaned off the 3M precision 'latex-free' mouse pad ... and we'll see what happens tomorrow morning when i bootup ... i'll betcha the mouse will stay contentedly in its spot til "I" choose to move it ... poor thing... it was suffering INDIGESTION!! hahahahahhahahhehhehehhehehe... (giggle, snort!)...
Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, August 2, 2012

WARNING! Vaccines & Latex Allergy

Vaccines containing latex may be triggering allergic reactions 
to common products, like baby pacifiers.
this is REALLY close to my heart, since i'm disabled with latex allergy. i personally KNOW the extreme dangers -- it is PROGRESSIVE (gets worse with EACH exposure) -- it can become life-threatening at ANYtime! -- and ANYone can develop it!! -- for the CDC to state go ahead and give latex-contaminated-vaccines to an infant, child (ANYone!!) as long as they haven't had an anaphylaxis reaction is LUDICROUS to the extreme!! with all the evidence & studies now available, this is literally playing russian roulette with your child... once you're anaphylaxic to latex, there's NO TURNING BACK!!! i'm now disabled because i didn't know anything ABOUT latex or latex allergy (even when i knew i was latex allergic)... back then, when nurses would ask about allergies (at a dr appt) and i'd reply latex, more often than not i'd get a 'rolled eyes' response. and NO ONE directed me to any info 'about' latex allergy until AFTER it was too late. my latex allergy went BIZERKO in Feb2007 and forever altered my life and that of my family (& friends). that in combination with my severe multiple chemical sensitivities (mcs)  made life VERY isolating... because the ONLY treatment for latex allergy is AVOIDANCE! and avoidance is the #1 treatment for mcs.
PLEASE! do ALL YOU CAN to protect your child against developing latex allergy -- make sure your baby supplies are latex-free (ie pacifiers, bottle nipples, clothing, etc) and don't allow ANYTHING to be injected into or fed to your child that contains latex (meds, vitamins, vaccines.. anything with natural rubber syringe, stoppers, bottle cap droppers, etc WILL contaminate the contents with latex proteins!).
Isaiah 40:31

Friday, July 27, 2012

Craft/Studio Organization TIPS!

These are some of the things I've done in my studio that I thought I'd share with you... hoping these organizational tips will be helpful to others :-)
Bookcase storage...
ClubScrap & More -- ALSB & ScrapRapMagazines in Notebooks (chronologically), Special Editions & Projects in separate notebks, LO sketches, Card Ideas, etc
Cropper Hopper File Storage folders for CS Kits, with divider tabs by year. StampinUp! & misc cardstock sorted by color (bottom), Stickers sorted by theme (using ziploc bags & C.H. sticker storage folders), ALSB pages cut & ready for assembly (lower right in tubs), ALSB pages assembled waiting for pics in 2 gal ziplocs stored upright (next to tubs).
$ hint - for C.H. file storage - watch for sales and then do online search for coupon codes!

Filing Cabinet storage...
CS Kits - the 8.5x11 papers, cut outs, stickers, etc

CS Kit embellies, 1/2# paper packs, etc

Bookcase closeups...
 StampinUp! cardstock by color groups
Kitchen & Bath organizers...
Frequent tools & things.
$ hint - Pampered Chef, Walmart
Container organizers...
Rubbermaid stackable drawers for punches, reinkers, inkpads & more.
$ hint - Walmart
Fishing tackle, Hardware organizers...
for eyelets, brads, charms, etc
$ hint - Walmart, HomeDepot, etc
Old lunch bag insert & ziploc "pint" freezer bags for clear stamps (page/sheet protectors & 3-ring binder for larger sets). Used white cardstock to fit inside ziploc for labeling stamp sets... filed by category (ie borders, baby, holiday, etc)
Photo Box... decorate, punch holes for eyelets, thread ribbon & wala! RIBBON DISPENSER :-)
$ hint - JoAnns

Christmas Decor organizers! I use these for fibers, ribbons, buttons, extra/specialty adhesives, etc!
$ hint - Target (late Fall)

Pants Hanger!
$ hint - Walmart, Target, etc...
Have fun organizing your craft space / room!

Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Studio FUN !?!?!

It's been three years since I've been able to do "hybrid" scrap-booking (that's what digi-scrapbookers call the "hands-on" scrapping that's been going on for decades). My severe NRLA (natural rubber latex allergy) put a halt to rubberstamping and the severity of my MCS (multiple chemical sensitivities) prevented me from continuing to scrap even using the latex-free materials. That's 'cuz of all the chemicals involved... from adhesives to paints to inks to papers, embellishments & more!
Thanks to a long road of nutritional supplements & homeopathic remedies, my immune system has gotten stronger. I still have to be extremely careful, even though I've been able to add some latex-cross-reactive foods back onto my 'ok' list... even though I've been able to resume "some" hands-on scrapping & other projects in the last 2-3 months, I still have to be extremely careful (repeat intentional). Because although most exposures come from known sources, there are still MANY surprise ones out there... including what caught me unawares a few days ago and rendered me a "couch YAM" for the last couple days (yams are "sweet" potatoes... and because regular potatoes are strong enemies of mine (HUGE latex-cross-reactive for me), I wanted to come up with a different term. My best friend, Melissa, helped me out with that... she knows how much I enjoy eating yams (raw, baked, roasted, chips, etc). Anyway, I had been sorting thru some supplies to set up to make some cards... had just completed a digi-LO for ClubScrap's PSL challenge and my blog post when I got hit... hard and fast... required 2 doses of epinephrine to stop, benadryl and several homeopathics (primarily anti-histamine, but also for gut & inflammatory pain symptoms that accompanied this particular anaphylaxis episode). I'm still not positive what caused this crash, but the couple suspicions came on top of a system that was already engaged in a defensive battle. Over the last couple of weeks I'd been exposed to: hotel fragrances, people fragrances & cigarette smoke, travel stuff (vehicle exhaust, latex-contaminated-road-dust, etc), farming chemicals several times (exhaust, insecticides, fertilizers, etc - we live right next door to a farm that has been SUPER busy this last month in their efforts to rescue & replant crops following the damaging wind/hail storm that hit our area). It's no wonder then, that the scales were tipped and I got hit so hard & fast... the final straw was either (or both!) a new olive leaf supplement (had been confirmed by manufacturer to be latex-safe) that I tried that morning and/or a malfunctioning air purifier that overheated, putting a burnt oil/rubber smell into the air. It is now in the repair shop for warranty service (problem still unknown)... and the new supplement is now on the "do not use" list!!
Even keeping a daily log doesn't always help identify the source of the exposure that causes a life-threatening allergic reaction. I've been keeping a daily log since 2007 (wow! that's 5 yrs!!) which has helped me identify many, many triggers. By identifying them, I'm then able to avoid them... which is the ONLY treatment for NRLA and the 1st/best treatment for MCS. It's fairly easy to identify the triggers for immediate reactions, but harder for delayed ones. I believe my system was already on overload with 'recovering' from all the recent chemical exposures and that contributed to my needing more meds to stop the anaphylaxis and longer recovery time from this episode (hence the 'couch-yam' dressed in robe & pj's!). 
Life is always an adventure living with NRLA "and" MCS, that's for sure.
If you arrived at the post doing an internet search for info on latex allergy or mulitple chemical sensitivities, there are a few resource/educational links in my blog footer (you can get there quickly by pressing control-end).
Here's my studio - this photo shows my map-fold books in progress :-)
And here's a panoramic view - photo taken with my Sony Cybershot
I've used U-HAUL mattress bags, cut to fit, to cover my bookcases (scrap-booking supplies, photo albums, books and more) -- this blocks/minimizes exposures to any chemicals off-gassing from the various items. I either push them to the side or roll them up depending whether I'm reaching for something specific or "browsing". I also store scrap-booking & craft supplies in the metal filing & storage cabinets.
For now, the card project is on hold ... we'll have to wait & see what next week brings. Meanwhile, getting all my other air purifiers checked out (1 at a time) to make sure whatever happened with the one the other day doesn't happen with the others (our home is "fragrance-free" and "latex-safe"... we have 4 air purifiers in our home... to keep up with carpet off-gassing, neighborhood chemicals, vehicle/lawn-mower/farm machine exhaust, ETC!).

Isaiah 40:31

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

ClubScrap PSL 2012 Summer Camp!

I've taken the plunge and am signed up for summer camp -- only it's a lot different than it was 35+ years ago. It's a scrapbooking-challenge camp over at ClubScrap. I'm in the Osprey cabin (no pressure, no deadline... if I can do the challenge, great... if not, just get to have fun doing whatever! it's great!!
This is week 3 and the challenge is to use fibers... I LOVE fibers and have quite a ribbon collection (stash!). I just completed a double-DIGI-spread (see previous posts) and have my work station all setup for cranking out "several" cards... gonna make some valentines (yeah, I "know" it's July!) and some all occasion ones.  Last week the challenge was "Art Media", but I wasn't able to do anything cuz of being in recovery from weekend exposures and ongoing exposures that week from farming chemicals and a few other things that I can't remember unless I look in my daily log (and I'm not going to run upstairs to do that, so for now it'll remain a "mystery").
If you're ready for some scrappin' FUN... here are some ClubScrap links that you might be interested in...
Forum .... SHOP .... Gallery .... CLUBS .... Tutorial Videos .... PSL!!

Isaiah 40:31

ClubScrap PSL 2012 #1

week 1 challenge - Let's Stamp!

credits: stamps from ClubScrap Centennial R (Oct2007) & Haberdashery EXP (June2008), Tilescapes digi-kit from ClubScrap (Nov2011), font - Jester
----- NOTE: kit photo is of the regular 'hands-on' scrap kit ----- 

HYBRID - credits: Matrix kit from ClubScrap (July2008)
Isaiah 40:31

ClubScrap PSL 2012 #2-3

week 3 challenge - FIBER!
(makeup week 2 challenge - ART MEDIA)
credits: Sorrento digi-kit from ClubScrap (July2012)
fonts - Existence, La Jolla ES

 featuring...McClintock PhotoGraphics
Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


My husband came up with that title for the 6x6 map-fold books I made for our 3 sons. Out of snapshots and map-fold... he came up with "snap-maps". They turned out fantastic! This was a project from ClubScrap that came with a video tutorial (see below). Of course, I just HAD to $ the Scor-Pal for making them! The next in line is making the map-fold book of my honey & me ♥~♥

choosing & cutting 
cover pieces and photo mats
(ClubScrap cardstock)

folding the photo insert
(Stamping Up! and 
misc designer papers)

choosing & cutting photos
for map-fold book using
insert as a guide

Jon's finished book


"Memory snapshots in the
real life adventures of..."

Pete's book

(inside covers)

Andrew's book

(right side opens & pops out)

Pete's book

(fully open)

Watch live streaming video from clubscrap at
video tutorial by Tricia at Club Scrap HERE 
This project was an absolute blast! You'll have loads of fun if you give it a try :-)
Isaiah 40:31

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

North Shore Adventures 2012

Keiko had an absolute blast with our spring trip to the North Shore this year. It was her 1st "vacation" away from home AND her 1st time to Lake Superior with its rocky beaches. She LOVED it!! We had a marvelous time and look forward to our next annual visit there.
fonts - Graphite Std
Isaiah 40:31

Monday, July 2, 2012


We were recently blessed by a week long visit in Michigan with my parents and two of our son's families. It's always a JOY when we get to spend time with our grandsons, Ethan & Jaden. Mags recent kit, Frog in My Pocket was absolutely PERFECT for the park adventure that Grampa & "the boys" had on their walk. He was the cameraman and it was exciting to see that there were 4 photos I could use for each layout... 3 pages... "the Walk...", "the Search..." & "the Find..."
credits: Frog in My Pocket kit by MagsGraphics
fonts: SU Liesly, Graphite Std
Isaiah 40:31

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sailing anyone?

Fun, fun, fun with dear friends in northern Minnesota. Miniature Golf was one of our favorite family-fun activities. It is sorely missed (can no longer do 'cuz of NRLA)!!
This double LO features a few Michigan lighthouses visited during our mini-vacation to Whitehall, MI a decade ago. Lighthouses, Waterfalls & Wildlife are our absolute favorite things to see when doing our favorite things...nature walks, hiking, digital photography, etc.
credits: Come Sail Away kit by ClubScrap
fonts - constantia, resagokr, clive barker
Club Scrap is AWESOME!! I was a member from 2007-2008 and had to quit 'cuz unable to do hands-on (hybrid) scrapbooking anymore (due to NRLA & MCS). After few years of strict avoidance, nutritional supplements & homeopathic remedies... I was able to help a friend scrap pages for her upcoming son's wedding. She had to do all sorts of preps in order to come inside our house, but she was willing and it worked! ZERO reactions -- yipee!! So, I got "re"-hooked to scrap-booking -- and of course, HAD to reorganize stuff to make it easier to find things. It was like Christmas!! SO many fun things I forget were there :-)
Well, I have A LOT of ClubScrap kits, Stampin-Up! papers/cardstock and TONS of misc supplies. Just this week I finished an album project (from ClubScrap Dec-2007 kit)... I had liked it so much I had bought 4 for gifts... had gotten all the paper cut, but then project was on hold for 3+ years... they're finished! (all except for the acrylic cover decor, which will be customized for the recipient). PLUS, I finished our 1st grandson's album of his 1st year and started on our 2nd grandson's album - yipee!!
BUT, since I'm mainly a digital-scrapper now (much safer, even though all my scrap supplies are latex-safe, there are chemicals -- which my nasal-hepa/carbon-filters helped with), after working with ClubScrap stuff, I simply HAD to check them out again. btw, it was a member from the CS community-forum that suggested I try digi-scrapping back in Oct-2008... she also directed me to Jessica Sprague and Scrapper's Guide (now Digital Scrapper)—both which have GREAT tutorials for working with PSE (and PS). Add to that the PSE Technique magazine (and their awesome website), and I'm set... "except" for "gotta have more!". SO, I joined CS's digital club and downloaded April's kit, Come Sail Away (photo above is of the hybrid-kit) -- LOVE the green/blue colors!!!! AND, because I made the commitment to myself that if I was going to join a monthly club, they weren't going to sit in my PC gathering electro-dust... they were going to get used!! Hope you like the Pirate's Cove and MI Lighthouse layouts :-)

Isaiah 40:31

Ely MN Adventures!

credits: Campfire Stories by MagsGraphics
A Mish-Mosh of Mesh by MagsGraphics
font - Constantia
Isaiah 40:31

Friday, March 23, 2012

Boys will be BOYS!

I just love these photos of my great-nephews Cade & Korbin. I'm SO blessed to have so many "boys" in my life (3 sons, 2 grandsons, 'many' nephews & 4 great-nephews)....AND they're among my favorite subjects to scrap!
These 2 precious wig-wams are my brother Gary's grandchildren. He went to be with the Lord 18 years ago, so never got to meet them. I see Gary every time I see these precious little boys.
 credits: Oh! Happy Day kit by 3 Li'l Monsters Designs
font - Century Gothic
Isaiah 40:31
"When you choose to use fragrances, chemicals, or pesticides,
You are not simply making a choice for yourself,
You are making a choice for everyone around you."
© MCS America

For More Information - NRLA & MCS

Support Groups

NRLA—Natural Rubber Latex Allergy

MCS—Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Digital Photography